Strengthen Those Muscles With La Dolce Studio's Pilates for Men

If you've ever heard of Pilates, you'll probably think it’s solely for women with a ballerina-like physique.
We hate to break it up to you, but anyone can benefit from Pilates. The practice includes all the components of wholesome physical movements, including breath, posture, strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility.
Here at La Dolce Studio, beards and chest hair are just as acceptable and encouraged in the studio as women since men need to be able to move too. Our in-house professional instructors know how to modify each workout to ensure that men like you reap the benefits of Pilates just as our female students do.
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What Is Pilates?
Pilates is a low-impact workout that increases flexibility and postural alignment while strengthening muscles. A typical Pilates exercise lasts about 45 minutes to an hour.
No matter how you choose to practice Pilates, you can count on slow, deliberate movements combined with breath control.
Pilates emphasises posture, balance, and flexibility, much like yoga does. Compared to other, more demanding types of exercise, the risk of injury is significantly lower with Pilates.

It emphasises the link between the mind and body. Your mind must be continually aware of your breathing and how your body moves while you perform the various exercises.
Joseph Pilates, a carpenter and gymnast, created this kind of exercise in Germany. While residing in the UK, he created Pilates as an exercise regimen for injured dancers and soldiers. Joseph Pilates thought there was a strong link between physical and mental health. He immigrated to the US in the 1920s and set up a Pilates studio in New York. This type of activity was first referred to as Contrology.

Benefits Of Pilates For Men
From core strength to flexibility and balance to consistent growth and effective movement patterns, Pilates has many physical advantages for men. These advantages are a defining feature of the Pilates technique and are also extremely important for men's fitness.
Here is a brief list of benefits of Pilates to further understand how Pilates can help men like you.
It Improves Your Posture
Pilates classes will bring your posture into balance if you haven't been giving it enough attention because you sit at a desk all day, drive for hours on end, or don't know how.
Pilates enhances the muscles that "lift" you up to correct bad posture.
Your health is equally as important as your appearance regarding good posture! Your spine will endure less damage from having good posture, and you'll have better balance, which can deteriorate with age. You are more likely to trip or fall and get injured if your balance deteriorates.
Breathe Better With Pilates
If you regularly exercise, you presumably target the same muscles. Pilates targets the tiny stabilisers and other ignored muscles you didn't even know needed work, supporting your larger muscles.

Look Better And Feel Better With Pilates
Your physique will change if you do Pilates regularly. It has produced long, powerful muscles and a slimmer overall appearance. Pilates can help you move more quickly and improve your posture and muscle tone.
In addition, a ton of endorphins and other feel-good hormones are also released, which helps your body stay healthy and happy. The result of all of these things is that you look and feel better.
It Strengthens Your Core
The deep muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvic floor make up the body's core muscles. We rely on these muscles for a strong, flexible back, proper posture, and effective movement patterns. When our core is solid, our body's framework is well-supported.
The core training component, which encourages the growth of the flat and chiselled abs that we all desire, is another significant advantage.
It Prevents Injuries
Engaging in a Pilates class can help prevent injuries.
According to a study, Pilates can reduce pain and improve bone density.
As previously mentioned, Joseph Pilates developed the Pilates method with rehabilitation in mind.
Two distinct kinds of Pilates have developed over time: contemporary and classical.
Particularly, Contemporary Pilates emphasises rehabilitation and uses fundamental physical therapy techniques.
Pilates can lessen injuries in men who participate in any physical activity.
Pilates Helps You Sleep Better
Nothing beats a restful night's sleep after a long, tiring workday. It can be very challenging to get a good night's sleep as we age and take on more responsibility in our lives.
A study found that 29.2% of men sleep less than 6 hours per night. Adults who get fewer than 7-9 hours of sleep are said to be sleep deprived.
Therefore, if you are like one-third of the adult population, you can be feeling tired from not getting enough sleep.
Start doing Pilates! Along with many studies, Pilates is proven to enhance sleep, particularly for those under the age of 40.

Best Pilates Exercises for Men
Aside from what is mentioned above, Pilates can bring more advantages to one's health and physical attributions. If you're eager to start Pilates as soon as possible and want to try it yourself, here are some Pilates exercises for men that you can do at home.

The Hundred
The Hundred is a traditional Pilates mat exercise that is excellent for warming the body and energising the heart and circulatory system.
According to experts, it can and should replace the crunches that guys have been performing since high school, making it ideal for males.
Crunches have primarily served to create neck tension and overwork the six-pack muscle, which, in the end, does not help with much outside finding a date and getting out of bed.
To do the hundred:
On a mat, begin by lying on your back.
Bend your knees into your chest while raising your head and shoulders off the mat.
Set your arms to your sides with your palms down, and stretch your legs in a high, diagonal stance.
While rising only as high as your hips, vigorously pump your arms.
Exhale for 5 seconds while pumping, then inhale for 5 seconds.
For a total of 100 counts, repeat the 5-count inhale and exhale ten times.
You can alter the exercise's intensity by keeping your legs bent, lying down, or extending them further.
Be careful not to strain your neck or arch your back when working your abdominals.
The Swan
The Swan is another Pilates that can be done on a mat. It lengthens and opens up your spine to help you avoid the rounded-back tendency common in people who sit for extended periods.
Steps to perform the swan:
On your mat, begin by resting on your stomach.
Keep your elbows bent and close to your sides while resting your palms close to your shoulders on the floor. Keep your legs wider or at a hip distance for added stability.
Use your upper back muscles to elevate your head, shoulders, and chest off the mat as you gently press into your hands. Engage your abs to stretch your spine and reduce stress on your low back. To maintain your feet on the ground, tighten your hamstrings and glutes.
Back down gradually, one vertebra at a time.
Run five repetitions.
To increase the glute engagement in this exercise, you can broaden your legs and turn out from the hips so that your knees and toes face the sides.
Bring your legs together to make it more difficult, or keep your body in an extended position while you lift your hands and rock.

Lower/Lift With A Double Leg
To perform this:
On your back, raise both legs straight up in the air. Even if you cannot get your knees straight, try to extend as far as you can.
Look at your abdominals while tucking your chin and floating your head and shoulders off the ground. You can use one or both hands to hold the back of your head if you'd like.
Lower both straight legs until you feel your abdominal muscles trembling as you gently exhale. If you experience pain or tension in your lower back, stop going any lower.
Instead of the back, the experience here ought to be the abdomen.
Taking a breath, verticalise both straight legs once more.
Perform a total of 6 to 8 reps.
Lower/Lift With A Double Leg
To perform this:
On your back, raise both legs straight up in the air. Even if you cannot get your knees straight, try to extend as far as you can.
Look at your abdominals while tucking your chin and floating your head and shoulders off the ground. You can use one or both hands to hold the back of your head if you'd like.
Lower both straight legs until you feel your abdominal muscles trembling as you gently exhale. If you experience pain or tension in your lower back, stop going any lower.
Instead of the back, the experience here ought to be the abdomen.
Taking a breath, verticalise both straight legs once more.
Perform a total of 6 to 8 reps.

To do this:
Set up a side plank with the top arm raised toward the ceiling and the feet stacked on top of the other.
Lift the top leg away from the bottom leg, so it is just over the top hip.
Without moving the rest of the body (no collapse on the supporting arm, no wobbling or wavering of the top arm, no twisting of the shoulders, chest, or pelvis), exhale and kick the top leg forward twice.
The top leg should be swept back behind you while remaining above hip height as you inhale.
After performing 5 to 6 repetitions on the first side, switch to the opposite side and repeat the steps.
This exercise strengthens the core muscles, gluteus medius muscles, and shoulder girdle, core, and pelvic girdle while dynamically stretching the hamstrings (hip abductors).

Start Pilates With A Professional
Pilates is a great exercise you can do at home or in a studio. However, additional Pilates exercises using equipment such as the reformer can improve your Pilates program and offer many more advantages.
However, reformer Pilates should be done under the guidance of a professional Pilates instructor. La Dolce Studio offers one-on-one reformer Pilates classes for everyone in London. When you visit our studio, you will work with an expert who will guide you throughout the session.
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